Profit vs Work

Posted by Nugie | 8:39 AM | | 0 comments »

Most of us are taught to work hard and do a good job. We are taught from a young age that if we work hard enough we'll be successful. While this philosophy has valid merit from a moralistic point of view, when it comes to making money and the accumulation of wealth, it simply does not apply.

I know a lot of very smart people who are living paycheck to paycheck or even worse. I personally know a lot of people who have tried and tried to make money with various Internet or software based products and/or businesses. Thousands of hours of work have been poured into creating products that have never made one penny of profit. These people have lost years of their life, time with their spouses and time with their children, in some cases they've divorced because of it. They ask me why. They want to know why they can't seem to sell anything they create. They want to know why they can't make any money on the internet while they see others raking in the cash.